What is and how to use Smart Data in small and medium-sized companies


Digitization, now at a very advanced stage, is transforming the production systems of companies. They abandon the old standards in favor of more efficient and flexible techniques.

In this process of change, there are different actors involved.  More companies prefer automated and intelligent processing tools, able to connect to the network and collect a large amount of data.

Through this information, companies can monitor many resources in real time, saving time and money.

Big Data, structured data for analysis

The big world of Big Data is also useful for making predictions and reducing commercial risks.

Big Data is a term that can be consulted in a large volume of structured data.

But it does not matter how much data you collect, you have to know which data and information you have to obtain to make the best business decisions.

Although the term Big data is relatively new, the tendency to group and store large volumes of information for future analysis is very old. The concept became entrenched in the early 2000s, when Doug Laney, an industry analyst, formulated the well-known definition of the three Vs: 

Volume. Organizations collect data of all kinds, including financial transactions, social networks, or sensors. In the past, storage would have been a huge problem, but new technologies (such as Hadoop, Dropbox, drive) facilitated this task. 

Velocity. Data flows sail at lightning speed and, therefore, must be managed in a timely manner. The increasingly frequent use of RFID tags (radiofrequency identifications), sensors and smart metering (meter reading systems) increase the need to manage data flows in real time (or near real time) 

Variety. The data arrives in any format, from structured and numerical data in traditional to unstructured databases, such as text documents, email, video, audio, quotation data and financial transactions. There’s also one more… 

Variability. The exponential increase in speed and variety of data is combined with the fact that flows can be very inconsistent and with periodic peaks.  The last post in sns worked very well? Maybe it is a trend in social networks? (You can know!)

A company must be able to interpret this data (Big Data), because you have to use it properly to solve problems and improve production. It is difficult, but there are ways to make this process less heavy. 

On the one hand, there is the information gathered by the machines, on the other hand, there is a need for the company to analyze this data intelligently, that is, to convert Big Data (a simple accumulation of data) into valuable elements for our business. . We speak in this case of Smart Data. 

Smart Data, the part of Big Data that is really useful for the company

You have the task of identifying, among this large data set, what information to extrapolate and analyze.

Not all the aggregated data is necessary for the company. Without an intelligent approach, Big Data is likely to remain a mass of worthless information.

Therefore, giving meaning to this data is the main element that distinguishes Smart Data from Big data. Companies will increasingly adopt qualitative approaches, in which the only information analyzed will be that of Smart Data.

We came up with an ingenious solution that allows us to take advantage of the full potential of Smart Data, using our own algorithm and technology combined with an "old" tool: the telephone.

smarTEA is a practical service of unified communication from a double sense:

 Search for statistical control and avoid high customer turnover along with number changes.

 In addition, it is not just a call redirection tool, other advantages are that it works as a marketing team would:

  • Boosts your business growth
  • Improves the quality of products and services offered by having everything controlled in one place (dashboard)
  • Provides solutions according to customer expectations,
  • Raise the level of competitiveness
  • Strengthens the brand

smarTEA vs SmartData

The retail trade is in full evolution. The sudden change in consumer habits has revolutionized the way retailers should attract their audience and start evolving into a 3.0 business. 

In franchises and other chains, obtaining information on the performance of the point of sale and the way in which potential customers interact with us can optimize sales decisions. 


Our smarTea service allows you to know the behavior of a company. How? Collecting statistics about what you are most interested in knowing. That is why it is important to ask "what are the key data to analyze".  This way, you can concentrate your efforts on improving what has a direct impact on your profitability. 


If you do not want your head to explode with so much data and information, you must collect the information that really matters and THAT is really important to make decisions to improve the operation of the point of sale. For example…. If our business is a restaurant, in addition to obtaining billing information that will be collected in a dashboard, we will also be interested in obtaining other variables, such as time and time control. 

Thanks to our software smarTEA we were able to statistically verify how the flow of customers goes during the hours of the day, week, month and even per year, which allows us to organize our work to fully satisfy the needs of the client.


With smarTEA, you can have a telephone number for each franchisee, but when people call those numbers, they will be redirected to your customer service center at no cost. It is a simple and quick solution that allows you to control the performance of each franchisee and the quality of their service.   

Do you want to know which franchisee is getting better results? Do you want to know which product brings you the most benefits? Where do your clients call you from? etc...  

 All calls and contacts will be registered as "leads". With leads we refer to the clients or potential customers who contacts your company to request more information about your product / service, which can be a great tool for statistical control and measurement.  

Do you want to know more about this service? Send us an email to hola@smartable.es and we will give you more info.

SMARTABLE IOT, S.L.U. - C.I.F: B54985536. San Eloy, 14 - 03804, Alcoy/Alcoi (Alicante) España